Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Baby Jake Kinsfather!

Alex and baby Jake

Yeah!! Teresa had her baby this morning! Jake Alexander Kinsfather arrived this morning at 9:54am weighing 7lbs 9oz and was 20 in long! He is adorable. I can't wait for him to come home so I can get some baby snuggles in! :)
Baby Jake - only a couple hours old
The girls are so excited! Mia said, "I am the coolest because I am a little sister AND a big sister!" They are so proud of him already! He will be very well loved and very well taken care of! McKenzie is also very excited! She can't wait to see him. She will get the best of both worlds....a little brother to take care of and play with when she wants, and then she can come home! Although in a couple more weeks, she will be coming home to a nephew! She is totally excited to be an aunt!
Baby Jake getting checked out by the nurse

Her and Emily are so funny! They are best friends, dress alike, talk alike, plan their outfits, meals, everything! So when Emily found out she was going to have a brother, McKenzie was a little bummed. Emily had a little sister and brother, and McKenzie was the baby of the family. THEN.....we found out Alyssa was going to have a baby. Not only was she having a baby, she was having a BOY! Just like they both get to have baby boys in their house! The only difference is that Alyssa and Aiden will be moving out in the next year or so......Baby Jake won't be moving out for about 18 years!!!
Congratulations to the Kinsfathers!!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Martin Luther King Jr Day

Yesterday was a school holiday and I didn't have to work. Soooo........we took a vacation day!! We had so much fun!!! We went to Mt. Vernon with the only agenda was to watch the Alvin & the Chimpmunks movie and to shop! We did both :)

First stop was McDonald's. The girls were collecting all of the Chipmunk charater's at McDonald's and we had all of them except for Brittany. We had checked in Bellingham and they didn't have any and were not getting anymore, so I thought while we were down in Mt. Vernon anyway, we would check. They had her! The girls were so excited to complete their collection. Emily and Mia had asked us to get a Brittany for Emily and Mia just needed the A man :) (that is what she calls Alvin). So we were able to get them and now we have 4 very happy girls!
Next stop was the Super Walmart. It is big. It reminds me of a Costco, because it has a cement floor and very high ceilings. They don't have a huge selection of some things, but the building is certainly bigger and they do have a food section.

Here is McKenzie before we went in to the Walmart with her new favorite hat that her Grandma Kaye made for her! :) She loves this hat. Alyssa was able to exchange a diaperbag for a different one that she liked a little better. She also found a super cute winter coat in the boys section for only $15!!! She was so excited....and it came with a hat :) It is a double coat, so the liner zips out and can be used as a lighter coat or she can wear them together in colder weather or she get the idea! Lots of options.

Then we went to the Cascade Mall to their movie theaters and watched the movie. It was pretty cute. The girls loved it! After the movie we walked around the mall and stopped at Payless Shoe Source. McKenzie only had a pair of tennis shoes that fit her. No church shoes. So she got some nice black church shoes that she is wearing to school today :) Alexandra saw these shoe-boots and fell in love with them. Since it was BOGO, I let her get them. Let me tell you, Super Excited doesn't even describe her face when I said yes. She knew there was no way I would let her get these. :) It is the little things like that, that make me so happy. I bought her some crazy shoes and she was super happy :)
After the mall we wandered over to the Outlet Center and looked around there for a bit before coming home and getting ready for school and work today! A fabulous day was had by all!!! :)

Enjoy your Tuesday!
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I am still here....

It has been a crazy two week vacation! I had a couple days off :) I worked quite a bit, the girls were busy, McKenzie had a birthday, Alyssa had two baby showers and another one for this Friday night. Crazy!! This is day two of trying to get back to our regular schedule. Sorta working....
I will catch up later today....We are off to school.

Enjoy your Tuesday!