Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Lost and found post!

This picture is McKenzie after her Pacific Rimland Tournament.  They were the Champions!!  She loved the neon yellow sweatshirt!  Some of her favorite colors are neon! :)

I found this unfinished post in my drafts.  I am not sure why I didn't finish it or publish it?  So...here it is! Short, sweet, and to the point! :)

Happy New Year's Eve & Birthday to McKenzie!

Happy 12th Birthday to McKenzie!!  
She opted to go to Chuck E Cheese with Emily (and family) again this year.  The girls had fun!  We stayed about 3 hours (which is about 3 hours too many for me!).  McKenzie has a favorite game that she loves to play.  She spent most of her time playing it today.

Jake is in the background giving it a try.  He did pretty well!  You shoot the green ball into a basket, or a claw and if it is lit up, you get extra points (tickets).  McKenzie got the 125 bonus about 7 times!  She even got it TWICE in one game!!  She was super excited!  All total, she got 1384 tickets today, plus the 100 tickets for it being her birthday!  I think last year, she got 400 tickets and thought she did really good!!

This is McKenzie showing Emily, Audrey and Mia how to play the game.  They were pretty impressed with the amount of tickets she got!  She picked out a pretty cool ball with some of her tickets, and she is saving the rest for another trip.

My phone died and I had to take some pictures with McKenzie's phone.  She is spending tonight with Emily and I will get them tomorrow.

Alexandra is spending the night with her friends (Bella & Maddy).  She has actually been at their house since last Friday!  The girls are having fun tonight and I am getting ready to go to bed and watch a movie.  I have to work tomorrow (the store is closed so we can do inventory) but I don't have to be there until 10, so I can sleep in a bit.

I have all sorts of New Year's resolutions this year, but I am not typing them out on here!  I have a journal I am writing them in.  Mostly they are little things and I am not going to start them all tomorrow!  I have lots of goals that I hope to accomplish this year, and I will be taking baby steps to get them done.

One of my resolutions that I will post on here is photography!  I want to take a class (or classes) this year.  I also want to try to take a photo a day with my camera (not my phone!) and get better with my editing program (maybe even take a class for that!)  Hopefully by spring I will be able to get my photography website up and running!

Have a Happy New Year!!!

Bye Bye 2013!!  Hello 2014!!!