Friday, May 28, 2010

The cutest Hedgehogs ever!

This was the final performance of Alice in Wonderland (not Alison Wonderland like Mia thought! :)) and these super cute hedgehogs passed out the programs before taking the stage!

McKenzie is the one on the left :) and Emily is the one on the right :) They were soo cute and totally soaking up all the attention!! I hope their heads didn't swell up too much from all the "OOHHHHH......they are sooo cute!" 's

This is them with their pink flamingoes. McKenzie is on the right this time! They match soo well sometimes it is hard to tell them apart!

After the play, we gave them a little present. On the bag, we wrote "The Bad Hedgehog" on McKenzie's because she played the bad hedgehog. When Alice hit McKenzie with the pink flamingo, she rolled the wrong way (that is what she was supposed to do!) Emily was "The Good Hedgehog" and rolled the right way. Inside the bag, we gave them a super cute little stuffed hedgehog that I found at the Zoo on Sunday.,it was perfect!!) and one of the pink flamingoes (new, not blown up!) They loved it! Not only that.....but Mrs Ford let them keep the pink flamingoes that they used in the play!!! Now we have THREE of the pink flamingoes!! (Let me know if you need any pink flamingoes. :) I might be able to get you a couple!)

This is McKenzie, Crissy Ford, and Emily after the play. Mrs. Ford is the BEST drama taecher ever!! She is fabulous with these kids and I am soo disappointed that this will be here last year. Just when McKenzie is going to be old enough to be in the play and Alexandra still has two years left! I guess we will have to see what happens next year. Hopefully some wonderful parents will step up and take over the program. (It won't be me!!! I can't fit in another job!)

Have a great weekend!
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