Friday, June 4, 2010

Swim lessons

McKenzie and Alexandra are taking swim lessons right now. We went to Beachwood last night for Alyssa's band/colorgaurd award banquet, and since Alyssa didn't show up until it was over, I took the girls to the pool to practice what they are learning in swim lessons.

Alexandra is doing awesome!!! She is able to swim from one side of the pool to the other without stopping most times. She love to swim under water, but is practicing swimming above water.

Last week at lessons, the swim instructor asked if she could do the back stroke. Alexandra said she has never done that and didn't think she would be able to do it. So.....she flipped on her back and swam the backstroke ALL the way to the other side of the pool and back again!!! She looked at me when she was done with the biggest smile on her face! SHe was sooo proud of herself and a little shocked that she did it! She now is more confident in her backstroke. :)
I love her face in the picture holding her breath :)

McKenzie is not as confident in the water yet. She is able to use the noodle and swim, but can't swim with out the noodle or a floatie. Her goal right now is to get her face wet :) She doesn't like it when the water splashes her in the face. She is doing very good at her lessons.

She likes to float with the noodle too. She won't float without it! :) I am hoping by the end of the summer, that she will be more confident in the water and be able to swim a little. I think once she gets over her not liking water in her face, then she will do much better! :)
I am looking into different swim lessons for them for this summer. The YMCA is where they are going now, but when I went to sign them up for the next session, they said they were already full. begins the search for swim lessons!
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