Friday, July 19, 2013

Family and a BIG spider!

I found this post in the drafts.  I just loaded a couple of pictures and forgot about it. L

So here it is!  J 

Papa and Nana came down with Jordan to visit us crazy kids! J  We met at the RV park down the road.  We had a crazy soccer weekend on Friday and Saturday, so Sunday afternoon we hung out and went swimming and had lunch before they went home.  Alex had a big group project that was due, so she went to finish that before we took the picture, so she is missing out of the group shot.

On a different note…

Taking McKenzie to soccer practice, I get out of the van and I am holding Aiden.  He tells me, “LOOK Grandma!  A spider!”  I turn to look and told him, yes…there is a sp…IDER!!!  Holy Moly!  Gargonzoly!!  That is the biggest spider I have ever seen!  He was ginormous!!  Aiden told Ryan to put it in his pocket, but I stopped him before he could do that!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Hi Mom!!

Here is Ryan catching spider.  Ryan loves bugs and animals of all kinds!  He was following and trying to “hold” a spider.  Aiden wanted to kill it, but Ryan wouldn’t let him.  Ryan also wants to hold bees…  I have told him that we can’t hold bees because they will sting you.  He still tries to catch them…  J

McKenzie and Elizabeth having fun on the EZ roller!
Elizabeth is in the dress that her mommy and her aunties wore!   She looks just like her mom here…only a little bit cuter!  J  
The girls and I made stepping stones with shells that we found at Birch Bay and some pretty marble stones.  Lots of fun!  We are going to do another batch pretty soon…I have lots more cement to use up before it rains!

We went to Home Depot to get a bag of cement (and a bucket to mix it in!).  Then we went to Birch Bay and found some pretty rocks and shells to add to them.  A final stop at the Dollar Tree to get some pretty colored glass marbles and we were set!   A couple days later, we finally had the time to make them.  They turned out pretty cute!
Cousins!!   McKenzie (11 yrs)  Derek (10 yrs) and Alexandra (13 yrs)

We went over to Lesley and Tom’s house to have a little birthday party for Derek.   Derek and his dad are supposed to be moving to Hawaii next month, so it was the last birthday party we will have for him.  Hawaii is a bit far for me to travel to to go visit!  

I love this photo of Aiden painting!  After we went to Birch Bay to get some shells, we came home but didn’t have time to do stepping stones.  So, I dug out the paint and McKenzie and Aiden (and Ryan after he woke up from his nap) painted.  They painted a couple of rocks, a few pavers, the grass, and the boys painted themselves!  So much fun!!  My grass is still blue even after I have mowed it a couple of times!  The boys, however, are not blue anymore…  J
 I took the photos from this day and made a digital book from PrinterPix.  I just got it in the mail yesterday and I LOVE IT!!!  They did such an awesome job on it.  Very good quality.  I will be going back again and making more!

Ryan did not want to be left out of any of the fun his brother and Auntie Mac were having!  Aiden helped him paint himself until he got the hang of it, then he was good to go! 
After they were really good and blue, Aiden said, “Look Grandma!  I am Blue Iron Man!!”  Ryan piped up and said, “Blue Iron Man.”  Yes, boys…you really look like a blue Iron Man!  J

This is McKenzie’s favorite picture right now.  I love it too!  Ryan sure does love his “Mac”.

Since blogger is being a stinker and not letting me type, I am going to call it a night!  I am having to type everything in office and copy and paste it here.  Makes for a long, long, long, long……..  J
Tomorrow we are off to a soccer tourney in Redmond for McKenzie!