Friday, July 19, 2013

Family and a BIG spider!

I found this post in the drafts.  I just loaded a couple of pictures and forgot about it. L

So here it is!  J 

Papa and Nana came down with Jordan to visit us crazy kids! J  We met at the RV park down the road.  We had a crazy soccer weekend on Friday and Saturday, so Sunday afternoon we hung out and went swimming and had lunch before they went home.  Alex had a big group project that was due, so she went to finish that before we took the picture, so she is missing out of the group shot.

On a different note…

Taking McKenzie to soccer practice, I get out of the van and I am holding Aiden.  He tells me, “LOOK Grandma!  A spider!”  I turn to look and told him, yes…there is a sp…IDER!!!  Holy Moly!  Gargonzoly!!  That is the biggest spider I have ever seen!  He was ginormous!!  Aiden told Ryan to put it in his pocket, but I stopped him before he could do that!

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