Sunday, September 21, 2014

Back to school - Fall 2014

Today I made apple crisp.  In the crockpot.  Yep.  I really did!  

I have never made apple crisp in the crockpot before.  I really under use my crockpot.  There are about 3 meals that I cook in it and we love making applesauce in it, but that is about it!  I have decided to use it more.  I would like to use it at least once or twice a week for a different meal.
Tomorrow I am going to make granola in the crockpot for snacking on.

McKenzie and some of her soccer team are playing Futsal at the YMCA on Sunday afternoons,  She scored a goal today! :)  She is loving it and having so much fun!  I love it because it is so close! 

Go SEAHAWKS!!  My daughter, Alyssa decided to make some Seahawk hats.  She made one and posted it and said she was selling them for $12. (12th man...$12...I thought is was a great idea!!)  She has a waiting list of over 13 people who ordered them!  She makes them newborn (the front middle hat) up to adult sizes.  She has been super busy!  I went over to her house a couple days after she had posted it and she had made 5 hats!!  She is quickly ticking them off her list!  
She is so amazing! :)

However, no matter how amazing she is, she has a really weird cat! :)  The last couple weeks when I pull up in the driveway this is what I see.  Merlin loves to hang out in the recycle bin :)

The girls have been adjusting well at school.

They are in 7th and 9th grade this year.  I took them last weekend for "first day of school" photos.  I wasn't able to get them on the first day because of work, but we had a little photo shoot and I got some pretty cute ones! :)

I like this one of McKenzie.  She is usually a yoga pant/soccer tshirt/sweatshirt kinda girl.  I like that she dressed up a bit with jeggings and a nice shirt! 

I even got a cute one of the two of them!

Alexandra is getting so grown up!  She is a freshman in high school this year!  Just a couple short years and she will be in collage!

I can't believe how fast they have grown up!  In about six years, they will both be in college/out on their own and I will be "all a lonely" in this house! :)

I remember when they were little, they would say they were never moving out because I would be "all a lonely" here by myself.  Little did they know, that is not a bad thing!  Now Alyssa has gotten married, moved out, and has three little ones.  I think she is counting the days until she is "all a lonely"!  Alexandra has decided that she is going away to college.  Probably in Oregon (close to Seaside) but she is not super sure yet.  McKenzie is still on the fence.  She may move out, she may not.  She doesn't want to live at home forever, but she really doesn't feel like moving out yet.  I am sure that will change once she hits high school in a couple years though! 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

I love fall...

Fall is back to school time (and all of those fabulous back-to-school supplies!)

Fall is crisp mornings and warm afternoons.

Fall is Soccer (although at this house, so is Spring, Summer and Winter!)

Fall is Cross Country.

Fall is leaves turning beautiful colors.

Fall is my favorite season!

McKenzie decided to use her tie dye kit that she got for Christmas (from Katherine) to make some back to school shirts. :)  Alex and I each made one also.

When this one was done, it turned out so cool!  She used blue and green and it looks very Seahawk-y.
All of the shirts we did turned out so cool!  Sometimes it works and sometimes it looks odd.  It is hard to mess up tie dye, but we were very pleased with how they all turned out!

Alex is playing high school soccer this year.  (She is #21).  It was a tough decision between soccer and cross country.  She is on the potential varsity list.  That means she plays varsity and jv until they decide which team she should be on.  There are 25 girls on the potential varsity list.  Some of them are on varsity (mostly seniors/juniors) and the rest are just "swingers".  (They play both V & JV).  Alex LOVES playing with the JV team.  She plays hard and is great!  

 She also has a ton of friends on the JV team (which always makes it more fun!)  She is not a fan of the Varsity coach or team.  She has already made the decision to go out for Cross Country next year!

On Saturday, we spent the morning at Civic watching the FHS Cross Country team participate in the Sehome Invitational Meet.  There were over 1300 kids racing!!  It was AMAZING!!!  Alex and her soccer/cross country friend (they both pick high school soccer, but wished they would have picked XC) were there watching.  It was a lot of fun to watch that many kids racing.

(McKenzie playing her team from last year at Baker Blast)
McKenzie is loving her soccer team this year.  They have played two games so far this fall and won both of them.  Last week they played and the game was tied 0-0 until the last 5 seconds.  We scored a goal and won the game!  It was very exciting to watch!  Both teams were really good and played great.  This weekend, the teams were not so evenly matched up and we won 6-0.  Not as much fun to watch when the score is so lopsided, but glad we were on the 6 side and not the 0 side!

(McKenzie playing her team from last year at Baker Blast)

The girls and I went out today to take some "first day of school" pictures.  Yes, I know school started a couple weeks ago, but with work, soccer and life, I didn't get any pictures until now!  They are still on my camera right now.  I haven't had a chance to edit them yet, but Alex is excited about a couple of them, so I will get them up and going soon!