Sunday, July 18, 2010

Swim lessons

The girls have been taking swim lessons at the Arnie Hanna Aquatic Center in Bellingham. I have really enjoyed how the lessons have gone. More importantly, the GIRLS have enjoyed the lessons. Last month, McKenzie was barely dipping her head in the water for bobs. She does not like to get her face wet.

This is McKenzie!!!! She is swimming with her face in the water!!! AND enjoying it! (mostly)

I am sooo proud of her! She is doing so well. Now my job this summer is to keep taking her swimming so she stays comfortable in the water. I don't want all of this progress to dissapear!

This is Alexandra diving in the dive pool. She was pretty excited! They did standing dives, sitting dives, kneeling dives. They treaded water and swam. She is a really good swimmer. She catches on pretty quickly once she is taught what to do. I am pretty proud of her too.
We have really loved the lessons here. I like how they take a little time each class and talk about water safety. In the pool, in the lake, on the beach, where ever there is water around, they teach them how to be safe.
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