Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm Baaaaaaaack!!

Cousins & aunts & nephews & nieces!!
This would have been a shorter title if I had just said "family"
This was on Thanksgiving 2010. Alexandra, McKenzie, Derek, Katherine, and Alyssa
Love the boots Katherine! :)

Did you miss me? It has been quite a while since I have updated this blog. Lots has happened since last time.


September: Alyssa turned 18!!

School started 4 days late because of a teacher's strike

McKenzie is in 3rd grade with Mrs. Galbraith as her teacher. She is loving it..

Alexandra is in 5th grade with Mrs. Wickham as her teacher. Her class is a 5/6 split full time Aiming High class. She is loving it!

Alyssa is a Senior this year. Her last year of high school. Graduation is in June!
Alyssa and Richard also got married, which makes me a mother-in-law! Crazy!

October was Alexandra's 11th birthday! She had a scavenger hunt birthday at the mall!

December was McKenzie's 9th birthday. We held her birthday in January at the Sportsplex. We went ice skating.

February was Aiden's 1st birthday! I can't believe it has already been a year!

Those are some highlights....I will post some pictures and try to be a better blogger!

McKenzie building her snowchair at Grandma's house on Thanksgiving Day. We had TONS of snow (for us) on Thanksgiving day and the next day the rain came and melted it all away!

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