Saturday, November 12, 2016

The weekend...

Happy Veteran's Day to all the Veterans! Thank you for your service and your sacrifices!

My favorite veteran!  Love you Mikey! :)

This week has been a super busy week filled with meetings, school, homework and all of the regular craziness at work. 

This weekend I am working on my homework and I have to take my re-certification for my Preschool CLASS certificate. 

I miss this kitty.  We got him when Alyssa was in kindergarten.  He was such a snuggly little kitty and he was the best cat ever!  He turned 17 this year and was getting pretty old.  He was mostly deaf and pretty blind, but he still loved to snuggle.  He passed away this summer and I miss him.

Merlin Magoo :)

We have a new little kitty now.  Alexandra's friend fostered an abandoned litter of kitties she found and Alex fell in love with the littlest one.  We adopted him at the end of summer and he is such a super snuggle bug.  I know it is Alex's kitty, but I really love him! ;)  His name is Oreo and he is black and white...named after Alex's favorite food! 

Alex and Oreo!

I am off to finish my English assignment and my CLASS re-certification!  Have a great weekend!!

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