Monday, November 7, 2016

November 2016

I can't believe that 2016 is almost over!  I am still in school, almost done with my ECE degree (just one more class!!) and then I am almost done with my AA in ECE.  I have an appointment next week to finalize my schedule and that should give me a graduation date also!

My cute little family is growing up!  Aiden is in first grade this year and Ryan and Elizabeth are in preschool.  They don't currently attend a preschool this year since Miss Patti 'retired' and is now teaching at the elementary schools, but they are super excited that mom is going to 'home school' them!  I have been sending crafts, books, and activities over for them to do! 

For the last few years, all I have wanted for Christmas is a current family picture.  This last year (these are from Jan 2016) I told the kids to meet me at Hovander because we were doing pictures!

Some silly poses...

...and some cute poses!

I was very pleased they all turned out!  I think we are all looking at the camera and most of us are smiling in this one!  I call that a winner!!  

One of my favorite of these two!!

I am off to finish up some homework before going to bed.  Tomorrow is going to be another long day and I need my beauty sleep!

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