Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Baby Aiden has FINALLY arrived!!!

Aiden Lamen arrived at 5:25am on February 24, 2010. He was 8 lbs and 5 oz and 21 inches long!!!

Mom and new baby are tired, but doing great!

Aiden, Alyssa and Richard. Tired from pulling an all nighter! Alyssa went into labor last night around 8pm.
9 1/2 hours later......Mister Aiden was born! The nurses said Alyssa did really well.

Here I am with my first grandson. (Boy that was hard to type! :) ) Alexandra and McKenzie are very excited to be aunties!!! I am going to try to take them to the hospital later today to see him.

This is Mister Aiden at about 6am. They were checking him over and suctioning junk from his tummy before it got into his lungs.

That is as much of the story you get right now. I have been up since yesterday at 5:30am. I am going to bed!!
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