Monday, February 22, 2010

Chess Club

My girls have decided to participate in Chess Club this year. They have never played Chess before. They have never shown ANY interest in Chess before. The paper came home for Chess club sign-ups and they both asked, "Please, please, please, can we do chess club?!"
Have you ever played chess before? Do you know what it is?
Nope, never played. Nope, not really sure what it is. Maybe like checkers?
Alright, then. We dug out our chess board, found somebody that knew what they were doing (Richard and Jay both know how to play) and they started to play.
Every Thursday morning before school (at 8:20) they meet at the school with about 25 other 2nd-6th graders and play chess. They have not played in a tournament because they are usually on Sat and I work (and they cost $$, which I don't want to pay until they love chess and are better at it!) but they do have fun.
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