Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

So, I know it was last week, but this picture is too cute to not blog! McKenzie made these ears in class last week and this was the outfit that she chose to wear on St. Patrick's Day. The tights don't have green in them, but they were new adn she wanted to wear them. :) How could I even think about saying no when the outfit turned out so cute?!!! :)
Doesn't she just look like the cutest little leprchaun you have ever seen?

Have a great rest of your Sunday!
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1 comment:

  1. McKenzie, where is the pot of gold? You look like a very smart leprachaun. I have your car ready for you to paint. Have a great day at school tomorrow.
    I love you,
    Grandma Kaye
