Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I have been busy!

I have had a busy last few weeks! Aiden is a great baby, but it is an adjustment with a new baby in the house. I have to remember he is not my baby and I don't have to get up with him or change his diaper! Alyssa is the mommy and gets those fun tasks! I get to snuggle when I want to (sorta!) and give him back when I want. We are all getting used to the new routines...

In other news....
*Alexandra ran the mile for the Presidential Physical Fitness (?) test today. Her goal was to beat Dominick (a boy in her class that is FAST!) Yesterday she fell and hurt her leg. It is all scraped and bruised. She was a little worried that she wouldn't run well today. Well....her time was 7min 29sec! She beat her own record by 50 sec and she beat Dominick by 10 or 15 sec! She was super excited!
*Alexandra also took the test for Aiming High to qualify for Full Time. She passed with flying colors! She was super, super excited!!! That means that next year she will be in a class with 5th and 6th graders that are just as quirky as her! :) She will be pushed to her full potential. She will actually have to WORK in school now! :) I am pretty excited too.
*McKenzie has been working on her verses for AWANA. She had a long verse to memorize and has been working on it for the last couple of weeks. Last night she passed! She said the whole thing (John 14:1-6) and passed not only that section, but the two after that!
* I am still rearranging and reorganizing my space. I need another burst of creative energy to finish it I think! (Any helpers out there that love to organize? I will treat you to your favorite Chinese dinner!)

That's it for now....I have some free time with no children, so I am going to go get something done!

Have a great Wednesday! The sun is beautiful!!!

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