Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Soccer and Aiden

No...Aiden is not playing soccer yet. I can't find shin guards and cleats to fit him. As soon as they make them in his size, I am all over it! Can you imagine itty bitty shin guards and cleats?!? How cute would those be?

Alexandra and McKenzie are playing soccer again. Spring soccer. Saturday was their first game. They weather was a little windy, but overall, not bad! No rain, no snow, no sleet, no super yucky weather. The sun was trying to come out for Alexandra's game (9:15am) and by McKenzie's game (1:50pm) there was sun. It is always windy out there, but nobody complained or froze!

This is what happens when you play soccer for a long time! You turn into a bit of a soccer head!

This picture of Aiden is on March 24. He is exactly one month old! I can't believe it has been a whole month! Everybody is adjusting pretty well. Aiden is up to 8lbs 12 oz now. He is a very alert baby. He enjoys looking around. He also smiles a lot! :)
I will go through my pictures and edit some of them and get them up here for you all to enjoy!
Have a great Tuesday! The girls have their Grand Prix race tonight at AWANA! Remember to cheer for the pencil and the whale!

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