Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 is not starting very well for us...

On a sad note, my new year did not start off very well.  Both of the girls spent the night last night at friends houses.  As I went to bed, I took care of the cats like I always do.  Make sure the litter box is clean and they have food and water.  I find each of them and make sure the outside cats are outside (so they don't wake me up early to go out!)  and the inside cats are inside.  Checked them all and they were good.

When I woke up this morning, I wasn't able to find Four.  She likes to hide in corners, so sometimes it is a bit of hide and seek to find her.  She has been hanging out in a box in the hallway for the last week or so (before that, it was the top of the bookshelf in the livingroom).  I found her in my craft area this morning and she had passed away sometime in the night. :(  

We are very sad.  The girls have been crying since I told them tonight.  I am very sad and keep looking around for her.  We did not expect her to go so soon.  

She was our indoor only cat and she loved to come up to you and reach out her claws and try to grab your hand so you would pet her.  She would snuggle up next to you when you sat down and make you pet her.  She was very friendly and snuggly.  She would lay in the weirdest places! 

  I was rearranging our living room and she sprawled on top of the drawers I was trying to move. :)

We will miss you Four!!!

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