Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Grandkids!

Saturday night, I had the grandkids overnight.  It was also the night of the girls Ranger skating party.  I knew about both of them well ahead of time.  I just didn't put the two together on the same night!  Made for an interesting evening! 

The girls ice skated while the grandkids and I hung out.  Alyssa packed the kids dinners in their lunchboxes so they ate that.  Then we went into the snack room (which was heated!) and hung out in there for awhile.  The boys had treats (hot cocoa, licorice, pretzels and pop corn).  Then we went out and the boys stood on the benches by the glass windows so they could see the girls skating.  I didn't get any pictures of Alexandra, but I did get one of McKenzie saying "HI" to the boys!  

Mmmmmmm, treats!!  :)

Even Elizabeth had some treats!


After the skating was over, we headed over to the soccer side and watched the rest of the men's Rapids game.  Good game!  It was 11-8 Rapids win.  I was just able to watch the last few minutes.  They sent out an email saying all Rangers and their families get in free after the second half starts.  What they meant was all Rangers get in free whenever, parents have to pay.  I was not going to pay the $5 (which I did not bring, because I thought it was free) to get in and watch the grandkids run around.  I wasn't even able to really watch the game.  So the kids ran around in the entryway until there was five minutes left in the game and they took down the table so we could go in.  

We came home and got ready for bed.  Everybody was pretty tired, so bedtime went fast!  The kids even slept in!  Aiden and Ryan woke up about 9 and Elizabeth woke up about 9:45!!   We had breakfast and played for a bit.  Lunches, naps and snacks...more playtime...dinner/movie and home with the kids!  Long fun day!  I enjoy spending time with my grandkids, but they sure do wear me out! :)

It is now time for me to get us ready for bed!  School, work, and soccer tomorrow!

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