Sunday, January 5, 2014

Wildlights at Woodland Park Zoo

The girls and I went to the Wildlights at the Woodland Park Zoo last night.  We got there in time to zip around the zoo for about 1 1/2 hours before they closed.  Then we went to the West gate where we bought our tickets for the Wildlights.  They opened the gates back up and we strolled around for a couple hours looking at all the lights.

When we first got there, this little guy was hanging out pretty close by.  He even stood there and posed! 

Next we saw the hippos!  They were out of the water and munching around looking for food.  They are so huge!!  I am always amazed when I see them.

 Just around the corner from the hippos, are these guys.  It was so fun to see the baby!  He is only a few months old.  I think he was born in August? maybe September.  It was pretty late (around 4pm) and pretty cold out, so most of the animals were in their enclosures getting ready for dinner.  It made it harder to see them, but we got to see a few.

We went to the elephants, but they were in their barn.  We could see them eating through their glass walls, but the reflection wouldn't let me get very many good pictures.  

These guys were also in their enclosure, which made getting their picture pretty hard, but I like this one.  He was just sitting there chilling out.

He kept going behind this rock and made it very hard to get his picture, but I like this one.

 We went to see the meerkats and the bats next.  The bats were very active.  They were hanging around and eating and moving all over the place!  Usually when we are there during the day, they are sleeping.  We must have timed it just right and caught them during breakfast! :)

I love the Komodo Dragons!  I also love getting the girls pictures by these ones! :)  I am very glad they tolerate me and all my picture requests! 

I took a couple of pictures of him while he was sleeping, and then I saw him wake up!  

We saw a few more animals and then it was time to leave so they could turn on the lights and we could go back in.

The girls standing by the bushes with ALL blue lights on them! 

This one was beautiful!  I loved the mountain and the twinkly lights!  It was so pretty!

Just across from the twinkly mountain, was the SEAHAWKS display!

There were even gorillas!

It was a fun night!  I took a bunch of other pictures and I am still going through them.  It was hard to take the night ones, but I am still working on it!  

It was a fun night.  I am glad we went.  We missed the Lights of Christmas at Warm Beach this year, and I am glad we tried the Wildlights at Woodland Park Zoo.

The girls start school again tomorrow, so we are getting ready.  It will be hard for them go tomorrow, since they have been staying up really late and sleeping in really late!  I will be glad to get back to some routine.

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