Saturday, December 27, 2014

December 2014

2014 has been a difficult year for me.  I am glad for it to be over and am ready to see what 2015 will bring.  I have started two new jobs (the first one closed after I was there for three months) and I have gone back to school.  My first quarter just ended and I did pretty well.  It was hard to juggle full time work, school, the girls soccer schedule and life, but I did manage it.  I also came away with a few tips on how to do it a little better next time.

Christmas was quiet this year.  On Christmas Eve, I went over to Alyssa's to do Christmas with them.  McKenzie came with me and Alex came over after she finished the paper route.  It was fun to see the kids so excited over their gifts, the ones they gave and received.  
After that, I took Alex and a couple of friends to see a movie (they went to Annie) and McKenzie and I went to the mall for a bit. We came home and watched a couple Christmas movies and went to bed.  
The nice thing about my children being older, is that they sleep in!  :)  I heard them moving around about 8:00 but we didn't get up for presents until about 9:30!  I took Alex over to a friends house for the morning and pick her up at 1:30 on our way to mom's house.  We stayed there for a couple hours and came home to watch more Christmas movies and just enjoy the quiet.  :)  I think we have started some new traditions!  I loved having Christmas Eve morning at Alyssa's house with her and her family!  

This is not a great picture, but the kids are pretty cute!!  :)  This was taken with my cell phone a couple days before it died and I had to get it replaced.  I have not figured out how to hook up my new phone so that it will load my pictures on my computer yet, but I hopefully will soon!

This is McKenzie right before her 7th grade Winter Orchestra Concert.  This is her third year of playing violin.  She really enjoys it and she even practices without me asking her or reminding her! :) 

Alex just got her drivers permit!  I can't believe she is already 15.  Time goes by so quickly!  Alex is doing great with her driving.  She is already a much more confident driver than she was just a couple months ago.

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