Friday, April 16, 2010

More Tulip pictures!

Here are a couple more pictures from the Tulip Fields. We have hundreds to pick from, but I will just show you a few!

Alyssa and I in front of "the tree". I like to get my picture taken with each girl in front of this tree each year. It is a fun way to see how each of them has grown. Alyssa is almost as tall as I am now!

Here is Alexandra....she is almost as tall as me too! She is 10 and growing quickly! She loves big oversize sweatshirts, and we have had to get her bigger ones, because she "fits" the other ones now!

McKenzie and I. McKenzie is 8 and is also growing quickly! We just had to git rid of some more jeans and dresses because the ones that fit her in the fall......just don't work anymore! Sometimes I wish I could just freeze frame this moment in time because it is going so fast.....other times I am looking for the fast forward button! :)

Here are my three beautiful daughters! My goal this year is to take more time off of work and hang out with them more doing fun things! Not expensive or far away, just relaxed, fun, and maybe even spur of the moment.

Here is Alyssa taking pictures (I think of Alexandra and I) and little miss McKenzie in the background giving here bunny ears! :) She is a little too short to see the bunny ears, but the thought is there! :)

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