Saturday, April 17, 2010


This is Alyssa and her date for the Prom! :) OK, not really....but I think he is pretty cute!
Alyssa got Aiden dressed up in his fancy clothes too. My camera is acting up in the house with low light so the picture is not the best.

This is the back of Alyssa's fancy dress. I have a better picture somewhere on my camera, I will look for it. The dress is a little long, even with the heels that she is wearing! And the HEELS!!! Holey, Moley!!!! She is almost as tall as Richard in those things! (I also have a picture of those too!) She says they are comfortable, but I don't see how they possibly could be. I just hope I don't get a call later, having to meet them at ER for a broken ankle!

I love this picture of her. Pretty light, natural look. Alyssa is just so beautiful! (She gets it from me, I know! :) )
....and here are the three of them together. I have some of just the two of them, but I will post them later.

That is all for tonight. I will upload some of these and others to FB.
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