Sunday, April 11, 2010

Part two...

Here is my beautiful daughter Alyssa. I like this picture because of the tree in the background. She has a nice natural smile on her cute little face! :)

It was a really long day and not all of the pictures turned out like I wanted them too, but some are just tooo cute to not post! :) Alyssa was pretty tired and I caught her mid-yawn! Alexandra and McKenzie look cute! :)

Even Aiden got in on the tulip pictures! Alyssa held him up in front of some tulips and I was able to expertly zoom in, so her hands don't show, and just get Aiden and the tulips! (Isn't his hat cute?!)

This is what happens when you give a camera to a 10 year old and you don't supervise what she is taking pictures of! Some of the things I find on my camera when I go through the pictures just make me shake my head and smile!

All in all, we had a really fun day! Great weather, yummy treat (we stopped at the Fabulous Fudge booth for our treat!) and lots of fun pictures!!! I can't wait to see the mini book when I am done! :)

Have a great day!
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