Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Aiden is getting soo big! Today he is 15 months old. (Tomorrow it will be 7 months until Christmas!)

He knows a lot of signs and words. He says Da for ball, sometimes if you tell him ball he will say ball, but usually it is Da.

He loves flowers! He sniffs his nose anytime he sees a flower (even if it is a flower pen!)

He says MAMA for mommy (also MAMA for grandma! :) )

He says "nananananana" while he shakes his finger. That means NO!

He also says ni ni for night night.

Bubble, banana, and apple are all words he can say.

He can sign, cracker, cow, apple, kitty, dog, airplane, thank you, please, more, eat, milk.

I am sure there are more, but that is all I can think of right now!

He is a very busy little guy! He loves to be outside. When he hears a lawnmower, he sign "more" while he says lalala. In his head it is "lalala-more" ;)

He loves to slide, climb, eat dirt and rocks, smell flowers, see the cows, chase the puppies and the kitties, color with crayons (mostly on paper) build with blocks, blow bubbles (with and without bubble solution!) and play balls.....any balls, soccer, tennis, football, baseball, tiny balls, big balls...

He definitely keeps eveybody on their toes!

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