Sunday, May 22, 2011

Super Busy Saturday!

Alexandra participated in the Ski to Sea Jr race on Saturday morning. Her team did wonderful!!! It rained the whole time...but this IS Washington!

Alexandra did the running leg :) of the race. When they started, a ton of the kids took off like a bullet! Alexandra stayed near the front of the pack the whole race and did a really good job of pacing herself! She took off quickly, but not so fast as too tire herself out. They had to run to laps and by the second lap, you could tell who had started really fast! They were near the end ;)

The runners started the race. Next came the three-legged, bikers, soccer, then finally the obstacle course. Their team did really good!

Their team was the Sour Patch Girls! They had their last names on the back. Love the bright color of the t-shirt! If you couldn't tell, their team number was 64. :)

They didn't get first place, but I thought this was a fun photo op!

After the race was over, I went to work for a few hours. I got off a little early so that we could go to our very first Sounders Game!!!!!

We had a blast! We got our tickets through the Bellingham Sportsplex. They offered tickets to the game and a chartered bus! That means no driving for me:) I was all over that!

Best part was the view from our seats! This was taken from my seat without my zoom on....that means we were that close to the Sound Wave! The best drum line EVER!!

This is with the zoom! :) They were great! After the game was over, they moved to right by where we left our seats. We had to walk right by them! If there weren't so many people and we didn't have to catch the bus and we knew how to get to the bus quickly, I would have stood there and listened a LOT longer!

McKenzie had a great time. She did not want to miss a minute of the game. I asked her if she wanted to get something to eat. She asked how much longer to the start of the game. I told her about 10 minutes, and she had to think about it! She wasn't sure if she wanted food and possibly miss the first 10 seconds of the game, or watch the game and not get food! Food did win out, but we had to go FAST!

We had to walk right by the mitt at Safeco Field to go the Qwest Field. And not to miss a great photo op, I told the girls to hop in! Jay rolled his eyes at me for stopping foot traffic to get their picture in a big metal mitt, but I told him to get over it! :) It is not everyday that they can get their picture in a huge metal mitt!

All in all, it was a very jam packed, busy, fun and exhausting day! We are all off to bed now! Have a great day!

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