Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New hair

You will have to look close, but this is going to be my before picture.

This was right before I mowed my yard and weeded some of my flower beds. My hair was getting pretty long, but it didn't really have any style. It is not a nice even curl, so I have to straighten it. It doesnt' have any "bounce" in it when it is straight. So....I thought maybe a perm would give it some even curl and be a fun wash and wear hairdo.

Or maybe just chop off 4 or 5 inches!!!

After I mowed the lawn and weeded the weed beds (there aren't really any flowers in them anymore!) I took a shower. I got out and chopped off my hair! I really like how it turned out! I am ready for summer now! We just need some warm sunny weather!

I told Lesley about what I did, because she was having the same issues with her hair that I was with mine. She wanted a perm or a shorter hairdo.

This is her before.....

This is her after.....

She bought Pizza for lunch and I cut her hair!!! I think I took off about 6-8 inches!! Now we both have fun summer haircuts!!!

Are we not the cutest!

Have a great Tuesday!!

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