Friday, May 20, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Mom and her four darling children!

I know.....Mother's Day was a couple of weeks ago. I have been very busy! Here are a couple (OK!! a LOT!) of pictures that were taken on Mother's Day.

Katherine, Kellie, Lesley, & Michael

Mikey and his Mommy!

I was hoping for some good photos of our little group.....instead we got some GREAT candid, creative, interesting photos! But they represent our real family and I am glad we have them!

Richard, Alyssa and Aiden (and Katherine!)

Aiden and his mommy!


Mom with her grandchildren: front row is McKenzie, Alyssa, Alexandra, and Derek

back row is grandchild-in-law Richard with great-grandchild Aiden!

Lesley with Mommy!

Katherine and mommy!

Kellie and mommy! :)

The Dexters!

Dwayne, Lesley and Derek!

(it won't be long before Lesley and Derek have to switch places in their line-up!)

Me and my girls!

One of the photographers!

She doesn't look real confident!

It was a great day! Lots of food, fun, and family! We even had a bit of sunshine! What more could you ask for!

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