Monday, June 3, 2013


Alyssa and Richard's house is getting so close to being done!!  They are painting the outside, they have doors, windows, and drywall.  It is so exciting!!  They are supposed to be in around August, which seems like forever away, but is really just a couple of short months!

On Saturday, I got the kids for a bit while they worked.  Ryan wasn't feeling very good, so he was pretty snugly.  I caught him resting on the couch, petting Merlin (who was snuggled up with Alex's laptop!).  I sent this picture to his mommy since this is her cat and she loves to snuggle him too! :)
Ryan and Merlin

Little Miss Elizabeth and grandma got lots of snuggle time in too!  She is already 3 months old.  She is getting so big!  She holds her head up really good and loves to look around.  She is reaching for and grabbing onto things.  She love to sit in her Bumbo.  She can stand for longer amounts of time (if you are helping her!).  She loves to pull her head up when you lay or sit her down.  Pretty soon she will be chasing her brothers!!

We went on a walk to the big home.  These are the boys at the beginning of the walk...

Halfway there and they were both out!!  Ryan wasn't feeling very good, this was his 3rd or 4th nap, but Aiden was just plumb tuckered out!  :)

Alyssa opening her new door on her new house with her new house key!!  :)  So exciting!  

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