Sunday, June 9, 2013

Soccer weekend

This is the group shot of the U14 White team and the Bellingham United team after the game today.  Alex played with most of these girls last year.  It is a new team this year but they let Alex shag balls with them at the game.  She had fun!

Friday night Alex had a team in the Meridian 3v3 tournament.  I was their coach! :)  Crazy!!  Alex really wanted to play in the tournament, so I told her to get some kids together and I would be the adult in charge.  She knows more about soccer than I do, they just needed a coach.  After many team changes...we finally had a team.  Alex, Carmel and Emma D (all from Rangers) then Kyle and Jada (from school) and the final team mate...McKenzie! :)  McKenzie was a last minute addition because of a mix up of who was considered a Ranger and not a Ranger.  
The six of them did really good!  They had tons of fun and played really well.  They didn't win any of their games, but they did come close on two of the three.  They were all very glad they played.

Saturday, it was McKenzie's turn to play on her team.  She had a group of girls that she has played with in the past and some are on her team now that they split into three teams and they played.  Her team also had fun and played well, but didn't win any of their games.  
Her Ranger team also had a fundraiser going that we helped with.  They did Goalie Wars and Speed Kick.  
Long fun day.  

Sunday, we went to the United game.  They won!!  Great game!  They scored the game winning goal in the last 10 seconds of regulation play.  Very exciting!!  Alex got to be a ball shagger with her old team.  McKenzie and I got our picture taken with our Meridian 3v3 t-shirts on.  Everybody that wore a Meridian 3v3 shirt or any youth that wore their soccer team tshirt got into the game for free.  Everybody with a Meridian 3v3 tshirt got to be in a group photo with the United team.

The first soccer tournament of the summer is now over.  There is 6 1/2 days left of school. Our second and third soccer tournaments are this weekend and next weekend.  We are just exchanging one busy for another! :)

Papa and Nana and Jordan came down for the weekend to visit, but I am still going through the photos, so will post more on that later! 

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