Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Skagit Firecracker Tournament

These are some pictures from this weekend that were on my phone.  I have to go through the ones from my camera still.

Saturday morning by our tent between games.  Both girls won first place in the tournament.  Alex with her U14 Ranger team ( a mix of Blue & Gold players) and McKenzie with her U12 Ranger team.  

 Alexandra's team did not let a single goal through the whole weekend!  All four games they played, no one scored on them!  That was amazing!  The scores were pretty lopsided also.  The first game was 7-0 on Friday night.  Saturday her games were 6-0 and 3-0 (the closest game all weekend!)  
They won the finals 4-0.

After game one!  Pretty happy to start off the weekend with a win! :)

What is a Firecracker Tournament without Firecrackers?!  On Friday night, they had a fireworks show for everybody.  Usually we go home before the fireworks, but this year we camped down there to cut down on travel time back and forth.  Especially with the traffic already backed up from the bridge being gone.  The fireworks were pretty.  

McKenzie's team also did very well!  They only had one goal scored on them all weekend!  Their first game was a 9-0 win and their second game (against the Rapids) was a 7-1 win.  On Sunday they played their third game with a 5-0 win and then in the finals they played that team again with a 6-0 win.

It was fun camping.  Not a lot of sleep to be had and now I am sick, but worth it!  They girls really enjoyed themselves this weekend and they played really, really well!

During one of Alex's games, the coach pulled her aside and told her that since she got bumped up from the Royal(which is now called the white) to the Blue team, she is playing really really good!  He was amazed at her skills and how well she was playing!  Alex was on cloud nine!  :)  It is nice to be recognized for playing well!

This picture was not from this weekend, it was from last week.  I took McKenzie to soccer practice and I had the boys and Elizabeth with me.  I took Aiden out of the car and my front door was open.  Aiden said, "Look Grandma!  A spider!" I said "Yeah?  Where?"  Then I turned around.....WOW!!!  That was some spider!  Aiden told Ryan to put it in his pocket....I said "NO!!!"  :)   Alyssa thanked me later! ;)

Today is the last day of school!  Next year I will have two middle schoolers.

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