Thursday, June 6, 2013

Washington DC trip

Alexandra has officially signed up for the Washington DC trip next April with her school.  Alyssa did it in 7th & 8th grade and had a blast!  She fundraised and fundraised and made enough money to go.  She really enjoyed both of her trips.

Alex has decided she wants to go next year.  We talked about it and she is going to raise most of the money.  We talked about different fundraisers that she could do.  When she needs to do them and how much she needs to raise by when.  Then signed her up!  Her first fundraiser is to sell these little guys.
We call them Whozits and Whatzits.  :)  

The one on the top left, she made into a puffer fish!  (She said I can keep that one!)  She took them to school and sold two of them today and got orders for about 12 more!  We will see if people show up with money though!  She will be very busy this weekend!  Between soccer, her group project with school, and making lots of these little busy girl!

We have also agreed on a little scrapbook to make for her and her friends.  It is going to be either an "All about me" or a "Things I love..." book.  I will make the inside pages and have two or three color schemes for them to pick from.  They will assemble them and decorate them. Now we just have to agree on a good date and advertise for it!

We are off to a good start!  :)  She is going to have so much fun!

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