Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A New Year!

Janaury 16, 2013

Happy New Year!  It has been a long time since I have blogged.  My computer broke so I stopped blogging.  Then I got a new (borrowed) computer (Thanks Mom!) but I forgot all of my information.  Now I have a laptop and decided to see if I could break into my old blog and restart!  I did it!!!  It will take some time for me to figure this out again, but I would like to make it a priority this year.

Girls Night at Coconut Kenny's

We have had Mommy, Sister Dinner's (Girls Night) for the last year and a little bit.  It is so much fun!  We meet once a month, sometimes at a restaurant, sometimes at Mom's house.  We have dinner, talk, catch up, sometimes exchange gifts.    And ALWAYS! take a picture!  Even if they don't want to, I make them!  They will be thankful later!  :)  Our Februrary get together, I am going to print out all the pictures we have and we are going to put them together.  I just bought the scrapbooks last night.  Now I am going to round up some paper (gee....I hope I have enough! LOL) and get the pictures printed.  I look forward to these nights every month.

One of my other favorite things I look forward to is my walks with Mom.  We started last fall during soccer practice.  I decided I needed to be more active so I started walking around the soccer field when the girls had their practices.  Then I invited mom one night...and the rest is history!  We try to walk 3-4 nights a week.  Sometimes we make it, sometimes we can't quite get it all in, but we try and that is what counts!

Good night!

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