Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!!

Thank you to all that have served, are serving or will be serving our country!  THANK YOU!!!

This week has been busy!  I have so many pictures to go through, upload, delete, and is CrAzY!!

McKenzie and her class went on a field trip Thurs/Fri.  We went to Washington Park in Anacortes.  It is beautiful there!  There were supposed to be rain and thunder and terrible weather, but it was Beautiful!!  We had a little wind and a couple of sprinkles, but mostly it was overcast or sunny and it hovered around 60 all day.    

I had the kids on Saturday while Alyssa and Richard worked on the big home.  They have drywall inside and they painted the outside this weekend!!!  Yippeeee!!!  So exciting!  They are looking to be in around August.  Aiden really wanted to go camping and since McKenzie just went camping they decided to camp in our front yard.  (All the pictures are on my computer, but I can't get to them yet.)  I have a small play tent they set up and Aiden found some sticks and built a campfire in my driveway so they could roast smores. They had so much fun!!  It was kinda warm and not rainy so they filled up the pool a bit and played in it while Ryan and Elizabeth took their naps.  After nap time, Teresa and I took 12 children to 7-11 for $.49 slurpees.  We walked there and back.  Alex decided to go a different way so as not to be seen with us...crazy teenager!  We are sooo cool! :)  
Aiden and Ryan still wanted to play in the water when we got back.  With all their clothes on.  They are still drying out!  :)  If you look close, you can see their shoes and the bottom of their pants are wet.  About 5 min after this photo, the rest of them were wet!  Except for Aiden's new shirt.  He kept that up out of the water.  :)

Elizabeth was very happy!  She got to ride all the way to 7-11 in the stroller!  

 This is the back of my van before the camping trip.  I volunteered to do the Costco shopping...for 28 kids and 14 adults!!!  My backseat was just as full!  I barely had room for our sleeping bags and clothes!  Good thing it was just one night!
This is all the kids (except for two kids that didn't go because they were sick and one went home sick :( )  
sitting on the beach listening to their lesson.  They are studying tidal creatures and this was a fun way to get some hands on learning!

On this trip, Thursday morning to Friday night, I took 1109 pictures!!!  So crazy!  I went through them and deleted a bunch of blurry and duplicated ones and narrowed it down to 700.  Then I went through them again and got it down to 556.  I could probably narrow it down some more, but I am uploading them to Shutterfly right now so I can share with the parents.  Of those 556, I won't be sharing them all.  I have a ton of McKenzie and her friends that I won't be sharing all of them with the class.  

My fun weekend is now over and it is back to work for me!  The girls start soccer tomorrow!  The start of another year of Ranger's times two!!  Fun times!  :)

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