Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Weekend!!

Gorgeous day for soccer!  McKenzie had her last WDL game ever! 
They played the red team in the consolation game.  They tried hard, but lost 4-2!  Sad way to end their season, but McKenzie has learned a lot and improved so much!

 They have changed the name to RDL, so instead of Whatcom Development League it is now Ranger Development League.  The biggest difference is that it is more closely tied with the Ranger League now.  McKenzie tried out for Ranger's U12 this week and found out that she made it!  :)  She is so super excited!  They only have one team, so she made the Gold team!  She wasn't sure that she would make it, but she did.  There were about 30 girls trying out and about 1/2 made it.  It will be an interesting year!  Alex had her first tryout today and her second one will be next Tuesday.  Then we will find out where she placed.  

After soccer I had a couple of little visitors for a bit while mom & dad worked on the "big home".  This is Iron Man!  Alyssa said they each have a licorice bucket (empty!) and they wear it on their head and call themselves Iron Man!  :)
Aiden can even put his own buckle on!  When he wants to...sometimes it is "too hard!"  Iron Man doesn't have a problem putting on his buckle though! :)

They had fun playing outside in the water and the pool and the puddles and the squirt guns and the brooms and the.......
They worked up an appetite so they were eating some veggie chips.  They are pretty good!  Ryan had his hands full, so he just carried them around in his mouth and ate them.

I can't believe this little munchkin is almost 3 months old!!  She is getting so big, so fast!  She was laughing at her brothers here...She just loves them so much!  Aiden and Ryan are so protective of her.  They just love her to pieces also!  It will be interesting to see what happens when she can move and starts "playing" with them!  I can see some TROUBLE happening in Alyssa's future!  :)

After a couple of very nice weeks of sunshine and warm weather, I can hear the rain falling now.  Lots of rain.  I was going to work in the yard tomorrow, but I guess it will have to wait!  I will get to work in my Stampin / Crafting area tomorrow!  Yeah!!  I have a couple of cubes to put together and then I can get everything in a home and finish my area!  I am soooooo excited!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!! to you!!  :)

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