Monday, May 6, 2013

Some weekend fun

The weather has been so beautiful out!  Almost too hot, but I am not complaining!!

Yesterday, (Sunday) we went to the Bellingham United Soccer game.  It was fun.

As we got out of our car, the guy parked next to us asked us if we needed tickets.  His work had given him four tickets and he only needed two for him and his grandson.  I said absolutely!  He apologized for not having three extra tickets, but said to stick close to him in case his grandson was free.  As we walked up to the gate, a lady came up to us and offered us a free kids ticket!  Just as we took the free kids ticket from her, the guy came back over and said his grandson was free and we could have his ticket!  Crazy!!  He ended up giving it to another guy right behind us.

We got in to the game and found our seats.  The game didn't start off very well.  We got the first goal, but it was in our own goal. :(   Then we scored another goal in the right goal and tied it up.  In the last couple minutes of the game the other team scored and won it. :(  Very sad, but the weather was sunny and warm and we had a good time!
This is our group shot at the game...the best one of the three that we took.  The sun was very bright out :)

This is what my car said when we got in it after the game was over (at 5:30pm)  Crazy hot!!

After we got home, mom came over for our walk.  I told the girls they could wash my car while we did our walk.  Yes, that is a big squirt gun behind McKenzie's back!  No, I do not know why Alex is standing on my car, eating pizza.  When we came back, my car was super shiny clean.

We had a great fun weekend.  Today was just as hot out, but I was at work and the girls were at school.  McKenzie had her second tryouts tonight and we should know by Thursday if she made it or not...  She played well tonight.  Better than some and not quite as good as others.  She DID use her voice tonight!  I even heard it from the other side of the field! :)  That is one thing that she needs to work on, using her voice to help her team know she is open.

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