Friday, August 9, 2013

Fun in the sun!

McKenzie and I were at Home Depot getting some plants for the planters at work.  We found this cute little flower sprinkler on the clearance shelf.  McKenzie has been asking me for a sprinkler and I keep saying I will look and see what we can find.  I didn’t want to spend a whole lot of money on one, but when I saw this for about $2 I couldn’t pass it up!!  It was super cute and it works really well!!  The kids had a great time jumping through it.  OK, McKenzie jumped through it and the boys ran through the very edge so as not to get wet! J

Then off we went, inside to change into dry clothes and feed Elizabeth.  I fed her most of her bottle and when she was done, I set the bottle down and let her play for a few minutes.  She started fussing a bit and Ryan sat on the couch with her bottle and said, “Me, bebe sit,  milk.”  (I am sitting on the couch, put the baby next to me so I can give her her bottle of milk)  So I sat Elizabeth next to him and he gave her the bottle
 of milk.

He may or may not of helped himself to a little bit of milk too….

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