Saturday, August 10, 2013

Pacific Rimland Day 2

This morning started off a little early when we woke up to be one of the first 200 people through the doors at Sports Authority for their grand opening.  We made it!  There was a lot of people there ahead of us, but we made it in.  We got our picture taken with the Seahawks bird (actually the girls got their picture taken, I took it!) 

After we shopped around and looked for a bit, we headed off to soccer!!

Today was Day 2 of the tournament.  Their first game today was at 12:30.  McKenzie’s team won 3-0 again and Alexandra’s team lost 0-1 again.  It was almost a repeat of last nights’ game.  Both the girls played so well.  


 These pictures are from Game one, but they are so cute, I had to post them!

 Both Ryan and Aiden love taking pictures!  I don’t know where they get that from. J  They both raid my camera bag looking for my “little” camera.

Fun times on the soccer field!  The boys found a friend and had so much fun playing with him!  He is the little brother of one of McKenzie’s teammates. He is right in the middle (age wise) of Aiden and Ryan.  They had so much fun in the dirt! J

 Help Gaga!!  I stuck!

Game three – Today at 6:30.  It was nice and a bit cooler this evening.  The girls used their new water coolers to help keep them cool.
Alexandra’s team with a 0-2 loss. L

McKenzie’s team with a 7-0 win!! 

Both of the girls played really well, but Alexandra’s team just couldn’t score. 

McKenzie played so good in the last game today!  She was all over the ball getting it away from the other team.  She even had an assist! J  It might have been an assist to an assist, but it was still cool!

McKenzie’s team made it into the semi-finals tomorrow morning at 10:30 and then if they make it, the finals are at 3:15.  Off to bed!  Long day tomorrow!!

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