Monday, August 5, 2013

Stay at home Saturday

I had the kids on Friday night/Saturday while Alyssa and Richard were finishing up the house.  They should be in by the end of the month!!  :)  So excited for them!

Ryan had this shirt on and when he started playing with the play cell phone, I couldn't resist taking a picture!  He is such a cutie!

Little Miss Elizabeth grabbing for my phone.  She is 51/2 months now and has grown and changed so much!  I forget how fast they grow when they are little!  She can sit all by herself for long periods of time.  She scoots around and around on the floor if she is on her tummy.  She can flip herself over.  She grabs for everything!!  :)  Aiden says she eats Cheerios and eggs. :)  but not donuts!

She is adorable when she is sleeping!!  As are most babies! :)

After the kids went home, the girls and I sat on the couch and had a movie night.  Four came over and made herself at home on my lap!

It was a great day!  Lots of fun and sunshine.  The girls took Aiden to the park while Ryan and Elizabeth took naps (but not at the same time! :(  )  I got a bit of McKenzie's room done and some of my stuff organized.  I am ready with some consignment/goodwill loads.  A very productive day! 

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