Friday, February 28, 2014

It is melting!!

Our snow yesterday...

...and today!

Slowly, slowly it is melting!  Just in time for more to come this weekend.  

McKenzie's Spokane trip got cancelled because of snow in the pass, so she gets to make that up in two weeks.  She is off this weekend.

Alexandra is on for tomorrow in Bremerton and Sunday in Shoreline.  I am not sure how well that is going to work with the snow we are supposed to have on Sunday, but we will see.

Next weekend, they both have two games each, so we will see what happens...

I am ready for Spring!!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Still have snow, but we have school!

Wednesday morning...
The school district called yesterday and said that they planned on having school start 2 hours late if the weather did not get any worse.  It melted quite a bit yesterday and the roads were fairly clear.  The weather didn't freeze last night, so it was good this morning.  Since school usually starts at 8, the girls didn't start until 10.  It was nice to sleep in a bit, get ready for school and not have to rush.  The snow continued to melt a bit today also.  I think it has been around 45 degrees out during the day.  I took this picture on my way out the door this morning.  You can see that the roads are pretty clear, but our yard is still so full!!  I did shovel the sidewalk and some of the driveway this afternoon.  It was starting to get really slippery with the melty ice snow.  I kept slipping and landing on my sore foot.  Not really working well for staying off of it.

 Today, I took Aiden shopping for his birthday present.  Ryan tagged along also, but Elizabeth stayed at home and took a nap. We looked at toys, and looked at toys, and looked at more toys.  The boys had so much fun!  We found these Easter eggs first, but they thought there might be some other toys if we kept looking.  So we did.  You should have seen their eyes pop open wide when we found the toy isle!  So excited!!  Aiden kept asking me, "I can pick any toy out?  Any one?"  I told him as long as it was in my budget. ;)  I did tell him no to the green ride on car (it was $300) and he was ok with that.  Ryan picked out a toy right away (a Jake and the Neverland pirate sword) and carried that around the whole time we were looking at toys.  He saw lots of other toys, but loved the sword.  

Aiden loved the dinosaur toy the best, but then he really liked the Ninja Turtle toy, although the hot wheels track was cool, but the boom booms were so cool, and then the.......after about 25 min of looking and searching and picking toys up and carrying them around, he finally decided on the dinosaur toy.  It was really cool (and on clearance!).  We tried it out when we got home.  It is like a hot wheels race car track.  You put the car at the top and it goes around the track, under the large orange dinosaur's foot, and around back.  When it goes into the back, the door shuts closed and shoots it out the front.  WAY cooler than it sounds! 

Ryan kept walking around the store with his hands behind his back, humming a little song.

One of Ryan's favorite parts of the store was all the stuffed animals.  The brown puppy on the bottom right, kept barking when you walked by. He loved it!

It was a very successful shopping trip.  We picked out a little toy for Elizabeth also.  I got all three birthdays shopping done, the boys had a blast, and I got to hang out with the two cutest little boys! :)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

More snow and no school

After snowing all day Sunday, tons and tons of snow, it was supposed to warm up and start melting on Monday.  It didn't.  We woke up on Monday to more snow and it continued most of the day.  By late afternoon, it has turned to sleet.  Freezing rain that covered all the snow.  We had about 1/2 in of ice on top of all of our snow.  The front of our sidewalk was full of cars that could not make it up the little hill, so they parked in front of our house.

They cancelled school on Monday and again on Tuesday.  Today, we got the phone call that school would be tomorrow, but it would be delayed by two hours.  That means instead of the early release that they were going to have, they start two hours late and go until regular closing time (they get out at 2:30 instead of 11:00). It messes with my schedule just a bit.  Soccer has also been cancelled yesterday and today. (Although Alex was able to play at her indoor game, since no school means no volleyball game).

Merlin was loving the sun pouring in our window this afternoon.  It warmed up to about 45 degrees today and melted a lot of the snow.  Most of the roads are clear, except for some of the far county roads and side roads (our road has a bit of slushy ice on it still).

This is my van.  My driveway is under a big tree, and my van still had about 8 inches of snow on it that I had to get off of it today.  It took me about 30 min to free it from most of the snow.  I couldn't reach the top, but I got the windows and the hood of the van.  If I didn't have to go to the doctor today, I wouldn't have even bothered digging it out at all!

On Sunday, I was sorting and cleaning my front entry way.  I had a stack of about 4 text books that I was moving and my hand slipped and they fell on my foot. OUCH!!  One of them landed on my right foot, up by my toes. It hurt so bad!  Within a few minutes, I saw a bruise starting to show.  A couple hours later, and my foot was bruised in two spots and swollen.  I have tried to stay off it the last couple days, but it was still sore and swollen.  When I woke up this morning and it was still swollen and bruised, I decided to call the doctor.  I went in and got it checked out, and got an x-ray taken.  Good news is the doctor didn't see any broken bones! :)  The radiologist will look at it and will let me know if they find anything, but I think it is just bruised.  The bad will be sore and swollen for up to 2-3 weeks.  Take it easy, ice it, rest it, and take ibprofen as needed.  I am currently looking for work and have an interview on Thursday.  I really don't want to be limping into an interview!

Well, one day at a time!  Off to ice it and take an ibprofen before bed.  Hopefully, I will wake up with it feeling much better tomorrow!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

More snow and no soccer

 We woke up to more snow.  Lots of snow...and it is still snowing!  The girls were pretty excited for all the snow.  Except McKenzie was pretty bummed that all soccer games were cancelled.  She was really wanting to play soccer in the snow.  I told her she could still play soccer in the snow, it just had to be in our neighborhood. :)
It has been snowing all morning.  We woke up to about 5-6 in and now, at noon, we are at about 10-11 inches.  It has not really slowed down much at all, and they say it should keep snowing the rest of the day and tonight.  McKenzie went down to Emily's to sled down their hill and play in the snow for a bit.

Jay went to Vegas this weekend with his brother.  He said he had a horrible time, spent way to much money and wants to come home now.  He flight was scheduled to leave this morning, but was delayed because of snow in Bellingham.  Now his flight is cancelled, rescheduled until tomorrow, and he has $1 to his name. :)  Bet he won't be going back there anytime soon! 

I did get Alex to let me take a couple of pictures in the snow with her.  We were not out very long because not only was it cold, but it was really windy!  

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Snow and soccer

When I looked out the window this morning, this is the picture I saw.  Snow.  It snowed last night and was still snowing this morning.  We have three soccer games this weekend and it is supposed to snow all weekend. 

 I love watching the snow come down.  When I am inside my house and I don't have to go watch soccer.  Today was not the inside the house kinda day though.  McKenzie had a soccer game at noon today.  She also has one tomorrow and so does Alex.

On our way out the door, I snapped a couple of pictures with my phone of McKenzie ready for soccer in the snow.  Thankfully, by the time we got down the hill and to the game, it was just rain.  We had a very cold freezing rainy soccer game. That they WON! :)  Our regular goalie broke her arm and is out, so we have a couple of our girls taking turns playing goalie.  Thankfully, today our team did so good keeping the ball at the other end of the field, our goalies were not very busy!  The one goal they got was a penalty kick and our goalie tried to stop it and didn't quite make it.

The girls played very well for such a cold game.  On the sidelines the girls that were not on the field, were huddled under blankets trying to stay warm.

After the game, we came home and McKenzie thawed out in a warm shower and I made lunch/dinner.

When we came home, we still had snow and it has been snow/raining ever since.  It is now evening and it is just snow right now.  Steady, snow...

Here is hoping for no snow at tomorrows games! :)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

February Birthdays

This month Elizabeth turned one and Aiden will be four!!

We went to Elizabeth's party on her birthday (it just worked out that way!)  She is not quite walking independently yet, although she will stand and pivot forever.  If she forgets that she doesn't walk yet, then she will take a few steps until she remembers.  :)

This is a grandma and Elizabeth selfie! :)  Cheese!!

Growing up way to fast!  She is starting to talk. My favorite is Dollyollyolly when she wants one of her many Dollys.  They are all called Dollyollyolly. :)  She says Hi and Bye and waves.  She also says mama and can screech when one of her brothers is bugging her!  It is usually Ryan taking one of her Dollyollyollys from her that has her screeching!

Mister Aiden will be four on Monday!  These were taken at Christmas time at his Christmas program.  He is in preschool at Miss Patti's Preschool.  He doesn't love it, but he does go and have fun.  He has figured out the "my tummy hurts and I can't go to school today" bit.  Alyssa has also figured out that he figured it out! :)  He is one smart cookie!  Of course it goes without saying that I have the three cutest and smartest grandchildren EVER!!  :)

Aiden is a hard one to take pictures of.  He is not very cooperative, so when I get a smile, I take advantage of it! 
Mister Ryan turned 2 in October, and Alyssa says he is very TWO right now! :)  Right now, she has a 1, 2, and 3 year old! Crazy lady! :)  It is a good thing she is young and full of energy to keep up with these guys!