Thursday, February 20, 2014

February Birthdays

This month Elizabeth turned one and Aiden will be four!!

We went to Elizabeth's party on her birthday (it just worked out that way!)  She is not quite walking independently yet, although she will stand and pivot forever.  If she forgets that she doesn't walk yet, then she will take a few steps until she remembers.  :)

This is a grandma and Elizabeth selfie! :)  Cheese!!

Growing up way to fast!  She is starting to talk. My favorite is Dollyollyolly when she wants one of her many Dollys.  They are all called Dollyollyolly. :)  She says Hi and Bye and waves.  She also says mama and can screech when one of her brothers is bugging her!  It is usually Ryan taking one of her Dollyollyollys from her that has her screeching!

Mister Aiden will be four on Monday!  These were taken at Christmas time at his Christmas program.  He is in preschool at Miss Patti's Preschool.  He doesn't love it, but he does go and have fun.  He has figured out the "my tummy hurts and I can't go to school today" bit.  Alyssa has also figured out that he figured it out! :)  He is one smart cookie!  Of course it goes without saying that I have the three cutest and smartest grandchildren EVER!!  :)

Aiden is a hard one to take pictures of.  He is not very cooperative, so when I get a smile, I take advantage of it! 
Mister Ryan turned 2 in October, and Alyssa says he is very TWO right now! :)  Right now, she has a 1, 2, and 3 year old! Crazy lady! :)  It is a good thing she is young and full of energy to keep up with these guys!

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