Sunday, February 23, 2014

More snow and no soccer

 We woke up to more snow.  Lots of snow...and it is still snowing!  The girls were pretty excited for all the snow.  Except McKenzie was pretty bummed that all soccer games were cancelled.  She was really wanting to play soccer in the snow.  I told her she could still play soccer in the snow, it just had to be in our neighborhood. :)
It has been snowing all morning.  We woke up to about 5-6 in and now, at noon, we are at about 10-11 inches.  It has not really slowed down much at all, and they say it should keep snowing the rest of the day and tonight.  McKenzie went down to Emily's to sled down their hill and play in the snow for a bit.

Jay went to Vegas this weekend with his brother.  He said he had a horrible time, spent way to much money and wants to come home now.  He flight was scheduled to leave this morning, but was delayed because of snow in Bellingham.  Now his flight is cancelled, rescheduled until tomorrow, and he has $1 to his name. :)  Bet he won't be going back there anytime soon! 

I did get Alex to let me take a couple of pictures in the snow with her.  We were not out very long because not only was it cold, but it was really windy!  

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