Tuesday, February 25, 2014

More snow and no school

After snowing all day Sunday, tons and tons of snow, it was supposed to warm up and start melting on Monday.  It didn't.  We woke up on Monday to more snow and it continued most of the day.  By late afternoon, it has turned to sleet.  Freezing rain that covered all the snow.  We had about 1/2 in of ice on top of all of our snow.  The front of our sidewalk was full of cars that could not make it up the little hill, so they parked in front of our house.

They cancelled school on Monday and again on Tuesday.  Today, we got the phone call that school would be tomorrow, but it would be delayed by two hours.  That means instead of the early release that they were going to have, they start two hours late and go until regular closing time (they get out at 2:30 instead of 11:00). It messes with my schedule just a bit.  Soccer has also been cancelled yesterday and today. (Although Alex was able to play at her indoor game, since no school means no volleyball game).

Merlin was loving the sun pouring in our window this afternoon.  It warmed up to about 45 degrees today and melted a lot of the snow.  Most of the roads are clear, except for some of the far county roads and side roads (our road has a bit of slushy ice on it still).

This is my van.  My driveway is under a big tree, and my van still had about 8 inches of snow on it that I had to get off of it today.  It took me about 30 min to free it from most of the snow.  I couldn't reach the top, but I got the windows and the hood of the van.  If I didn't have to go to the doctor today, I wouldn't have even bothered digging it out at all!

On Sunday, I was sorting and cleaning my front entry way.  I had a stack of about 4 text books that I was moving and my hand slipped and they fell on my foot. OUCH!!  One of them landed on my right foot, up by my toes. It hurt so bad!  Within a few minutes, I saw a bruise starting to show.  A couple hours later, and my foot was bruised in two spots and swollen.  I have tried to stay off it the last couple days, but it was still sore and swollen.  When I woke up this morning and it was still swollen and bruised, I decided to call the doctor.  I went in and got it checked out, and got an x-ray taken.  Good news is the doctor didn't see any broken bones! :)  The radiologist will look at it and will let me know if they find anything, but I think it is just bruised.  The bad news...it will be sore and swollen for up to 2-3 weeks.  Take it easy, ice it, rest it, and take ibprofen as needed.  I am currently looking for work and have an interview on Thursday.  I really don't want to be limping into an interview!

Well, one day at a time!  Off to ice it and take an ibprofen before bed.  Hopefully, I will wake up with it feeling much better tomorrow!

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