Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Still have snow, but we have school!

Wednesday morning...
The school district called yesterday and said that they planned on having school start 2 hours late if the weather did not get any worse.  It melted quite a bit yesterday and the roads were fairly clear.  The weather didn't freeze last night, so it was good this morning.  Since school usually starts at 8, the girls didn't start until 10.  It was nice to sleep in a bit, get ready for school and not have to rush.  The snow continued to melt a bit today also.  I think it has been around 45 degrees out during the day.  I took this picture on my way out the door this morning.  You can see that the roads are pretty clear, but our yard is still so full!!  I did shovel the sidewalk and some of the driveway this afternoon.  It was starting to get really slippery with the melty ice snow.  I kept slipping and landing on my sore foot.  Not really working well for staying off of it.

 Today, I took Aiden shopping for his birthday present.  Ryan tagged along also, but Elizabeth stayed at home and took a nap. We looked at toys, and looked at toys, and looked at more toys.  The boys had so much fun!  We found these Easter eggs first, but they thought there might be some other toys if we kept looking.  So we did.  You should have seen their eyes pop open wide when we found the toy isle!  So excited!!  Aiden kept asking me, "I can pick any toy out?  Any one?"  I told him as long as it was in my budget. ;)  I did tell him no to the green ride on car (it was $300) and he was ok with that.  Ryan picked out a toy right away (a Jake and the Neverland pirate sword) and carried that around the whole time we were looking at toys.  He saw lots of other toys, but loved the sword.  

Aiden loved the dinosaur toy the best, but then he really liked the Ninja Turtle toy, although the hot wheels track was cool, but the boom booms were so cool, and then the.......after about 25 min of looking and searching and picking toys up and carrying them around, he finally decided on the dinosaur toy.  It was really cool (and on clearance!).  We tried it out when we got home.  It is like a hot wheels race car track.  You put the car at the top and it goes around the track, under the large orange dinosaur's foot, and around back.  When it goes into the back, the door shuts closed and shoots it out the front.  WAY cooler than it sounds! 

Ryan kept walking around the store with his hands behind his back, humming a little song.

One of Ryan's favorite parts of the store was all the stuffed animals.  The brown puppy on the bottom right, kept barking when you walked by. He loved it!

It was a very successful shopping trip.  We picked out a little toy for Elizabeth also.  I got all three birthdays shopping done, the boys had a blast, and I got to hang out with the two cutest little boys! :)

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