Saturday, February 22, 2014

Snow and soccer

When I looked out the window this morning, this is the picture I saw.  Snow.  It snowed last night and was still snowing this morning.  We have three soccer games this weekend and it is supposed to snow all weekend. 

 I love watching the snow come down.  When I am inside my house and I don't have to go watch soccer.  Today was not the inside the house kinda day though.  McKenzie had a soccer game at noon today.  She also has one tomorrow and so does Alex.

On our way out the door, I snapped a couple of pictures with my phone of McKenzie ready for soccer in the snow.  Thankfully, by the time we got down the hill and to the game, it was just rain.  We had a very cold freezing rainy soccer game. That they WON! :)  Our regular goalie broke her arm and is out, so we have a couple of our girls taking turns playing goalie.  Thankfully, today our team did so good keeping the ball at the other end of the field, our goalies were not very busy!  The one goal they got was a penalty kick and our goalie tried to stop it and didn't quite make it.

The girls played very well for such a cold game.  On the sidelines the girls that were not on the field, were huddled under blankets trying to stay warm.

After the game, we came home and McKenzie thawed out in a warm shower and I made lunch/dinner.

When we came home, we still had snow and it has been snow/raining ever since.  It is now evening and it is just snow right now.  Steady, snow...

Here is hoping for no snow at tomorrows games! :)

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