Saturday, March 26, 2011


Aiden found my outside broom when we were playing outside. He loved carrying it around. He even did a little sweeping!

Aiden is learning to use a sippy cup. You can tell from the milk down the front of his coat that he is still learning! He usually does pretty good. When he is done, he will, of course, huck it down as hard as he a ball. He does love balls!

Like I said, he is learning! Most of the time he does get the right end! Some times, he gets a little mixed up! :)

Have a great Saturday! We are off to the soccer field!
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Thursday, March 24, 2011


Yeah for Thursday! The weekend is getting closer and I have Saturday off!!!

The lights of Christmas....

We went to the Lights of Christmas this year. We have never gone before. It was so much fun!! Pretty cold, but we were bundled up and we enjoyed hot cocoa and fresh donughts! We also enjoyed kettle corn and elephant ears!! It was a delicious night :)

The lights and the displays were beautiful!

There were lots of different places where you could get your picture taken. We had so much fun, we are planning to go back this year.

Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Stampin Up cards

Look at this fun card! It is made from the new stamp set Build a blossom. We made the petals into butterfly wings, and a leaf into the body. Add some glitter and you have a super quick, fun and sparkly card!
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Aiden looking for cows...

Aiden loves the cows! He also loves Merlin! You can't see the cows very well in this picture, but they are there! This is just at the end of our street. He would walk down there saying : "Maaaa, Mmmaaaaa" I asked him, what does a cow say? He answered, "MMaaaaaa" He is soooo smart! Maybe I should look into purchasing a complete advanced toddler curriculm at the local teacher store! I will call them later......
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This picture is from Christmas 2010, but I just found it on my computer and I love it! Aiden is 10 months old.
I love how happy he is!

Have a great day!
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Grand Prix Pictures!!

Last night was the Grand Prix at the church for AWANA. It went really well! Each year gets a little better, a little more organized, and a lot bigger! This year we had over 70 cars racing!! Last year I think we had about 45 cars.

This is Alexandra's "cell phone" car! I love how it turned out!!

"We interupt this race for a very important phone call!"

McKenzie made a TV remote. (sorry about the glare on the photo) I will take a better picture later and try to post it.

McKenzie's car was one of the lightest cars there. It weighed only 2 3/4 oz!! This year you could race up to 8oz!! Even with it so light, it was one of the fastest cars there. It didn't win Speed, but it did keep up!!

Of course, what would a Race be with out HOT DOGS?!! This is Doug, the hot dog man!! He faithfully shows up each week and cooks the hot dogs at AWANA. He had a big job tonight, cooking hot dogs for over 200 people!

After the race was over and most people went home, we let some of the kids race their car down the track for fun! GO MCKENZIE!!

YEAH ALEXANDRA!! Go phone, go!

Ryan needed "help" to take down the track and store it for next year. He had the best helpers there!

All in all, it was a fun night!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I like this picture of Joyce and I. Since I took the picture I have a couple of extra chins, but I still like it!

Today is Class Picture day. Alexandra also has a field trip. They are going to Cherry Point for a tide walk. (muddy, slippery, wet, and fun!) I think their pictures are before the field trip. I hope!

Tonight is Grand Prix. They will be racing their cars they made. Pictures will be posted tomorrow!
More pictures from my archives!

Lesley bought Mom a handmade watch for Christmas. Mom loved it. Mike??? Not so much!!!
I love the expression on his face! Please let us know how you really feel Mikey! :)

Joyce and her Great-Great-Grandson Aiden!!! (Christmas 2010)

Here is Aiden fresh from his bath with the cutest shirt on! It says "I love Grandma!" I made sure I got it a little big so he can wear it longer! :)

Have a great Tuesday!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

just another manic monday....

Well, it hasn't really been manic. That was just the first title to pop into my head!

So, the picture folder I opened today?


The girls and I are sooo excited to go back! It will be a couple of years before we can afford it, but we are planning, planning, planning! We haven't decided if we want to go back to Disneyland, or save longer and take a week or so and go to Disney WORLD!!!
We shall see!
This is going to be a busy week for us! Today is dentist appointments for the girls. Just checkups and floride today. We will be missing McKenzie's first outdoor soccer practice today because of it.
Tomorrow we will be missing Alexandra's first outdoor practice because of the Grand Prix! The girls will be racing their cars (or cell phones and remotes!)
Then it is Paper Route Wednesday.
Thursday is both soccer practices and Stampin up! Almost at the same time!! That will take a bit of juggling!
Friday and Saturday I work.....
Have a great day!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 20, 2011

Hovander Park 2008....


I have been going through my pictures on my computer and I found some from Hovander Park. I had taken some of my summer day care kids there on a field trip. I love this picture of them holding hands and walking back to the car. Brandon is not pictured in this picture because he was laying on the ground next to his mom throwing a hissy fit! We met Lesley and Teresa at the park too.

Derek, McKenzie, Colton, Emily, Mia, Alexandra, and Logan

Still best friends!!

McKenzie and Emily are still best friends! They met in Preschool when they were three. They are now 9 (Emily is still 8) and in 3rd grade. They are still just as cute as they are here!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tired Tuesday!

It is Tuesday and I am tired!! This last weekend we got to "Spring Ahead" and I really miss that extra hour! In addition to losing an hour I have gained a cold! I am feeling much better now, but I still really miss that extra hour.

Last Sunday, March 6, The Ugandan Orphans Choir came to our church and performed. They were really good. This is not the best picture of them, with the glare in the back. After church was over, we had a lunch with them. They got to eat and play. My girls and Lauren were the only other children there. It was neat to see my girls interact with them. Even with the language barrier, they had lots of fun together! The Ugandan children LOVED the camera! They would pose and ask me to take their picture. Then they would come over to me to see the picture on the screen! You should have seen their face when I showed them a video of them! Priceless!!

This is the birthday boy! He enjoyed his birthday cupcake :) He was very dainty when picking off the chocolate. Not so dainty when trying to get it too his mouth! He just ate the chocolate off the top of the cupcake. I helped him eat a bite of the cupcake, but he didn't like it so much.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 9, 2011

Doesn't she just look like a math geek? Or maybe more like a monkey!

Busy week last week! It will take me a while to get back in the swing of this blogging. I will try not to let too long go by between posts. :)

Saturday (3-5) was a busy day! We dropped Alexandra off at Mt View School to ride the bus to the Math Olympiad County Championship competition. We followed along behind her and met her at the college. Stacy and I knit while the kids were doing math! (I think we had more fun!)
Jay took McKenzie to her game at 12:10 and were back in time for awards. Alexandra didn't place individually, but her team came in 10th!! She was sooo excited!

McKenzie and Emily after their soccer game!

McKenzie's favorite outfit to wear is her hot pink jersey and socks with her red shorts! She says pink and red go together. Look at Valentine's Day! :) Crazy girl.

This is the sweater that I knit for me!

Apple Yarns knitting store had a February knitting challenge. You had to sign up, buy your yarn at their store, and cast on in Feb. When you were done (before Feb 28) then you brought your sweater back in and they gave you a $20 gift certificate!! Stacy made me do it! :) I had a great time doing it. It was a little stressfull at times. Before this sweater, I had knit 3 scarfs and maybe 3 or 4 hats. I just learned!!! I am very proud of this sweater! If I do this pattern again (and I probably will) I will make it a little longer. I love, love, love the deeep purple alpaca yarn it is made of! It is soooo soft!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 3, 2011

Mr. Aiden at Build a Bear. He is wearing Build-a-Bear sunglasses and riding in the Build-a-bear car! He is soooo cool! :)

This was at McKenzie's birthday. She went to the mall with Emily (and her family). We all went glo-golfing in the mall and then the girls went to Build-a-Bear to spend their Christmas gift certificates. Alyssa and Richard and Aiden met us at Build-a-bear. Aiden was the perfect size to try out all the cool stuff!

Today is my Friday from daycare and tomorrow is my Monday at work! Somewhere I am missing the weekend.....

Lately I have been thinking about my job situation for next year. I do this at about this time each year. Do I want to do daycare another year? OR get a job and have to find daycare.

I have daycare kids growing up and going to kindergarten, more of them going to preschool, and I don't have any for sure's signing up. We shall see what the next month or so brings...

This is Alexandra and her team at the Math Olympiad cometition in Ferndale. They are going to county competition on March 5! After that.....maybe state! This team took 1st place again this year!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March comes in like a lion..

It is super windy out there! It is a pretty warm wind, compared to some of the colder days we have had.

So if the saying is true, March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb, then we are in for a couple of crazy days, but it will get nicer!!

We were at the school this morning dropping off the girls and I jsut had the four younger kids with me. I told them to stand still while I unlocked the van and opened the door for them. Next thing I knew they were about 3-4 feet away, looking back at me to see if they were in trouble for moving!! It was soooo windy and they were so little that the wind was blowing them!! It blew me around a bit also!

Mr Aiden with his football. He loves balls. All kinds of balls. Big balls. Little balls. Soccer balls. Footballs. Basketballs. He loves to kick them. Throw them. Carry them. He calls them "da"
I love this outfit that he is wearing! I bought it for him and it says Mommy's little monster on it. Even the monster is wearing camo!

These are a couple of pictures of McKenzie birthday party.

Happy 9th birthday McKenzie!! She picked a soccer cake and an iceskating party! Two of her favorite things to do.

Here are all the girls that she invited. They all had lots of fun. A couple of them were not very sure on the ice at first, but by the time the party was over, all of them were skating on their own without the "skating helpers"

Have a great day!

ps. Happy Birthday Dr Seuss!!! He would be 107 today!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm Baaaaaaaack!!

Cousins & aunts & nephews & nieces!!
This would have been a shorter title if I had just said "family"
This was on Thanksgiving 2010. Alexandra, McKenzie, Derek, Katherine, and Alyssa
Love the boots Katherine! :)

Did you miss me? It has been quite a while since I have updated this blog. Lots has happened since last time.


September: Alyssa turned 18!!

School started 4 days late because of a teacher's strike

McKenzie is in 3rd grade with Mrs. Galbraith as her teacher. She is loving it..

Alexandra is in 5th grade with Mrs. Wickham as her teacher. Her class is a 5/6 split full time Aiming High class. She is loving it!

Alyssa is a Senior this year. Her last year of high school. Graduation is in June!
Alyssa and Richard also got married, which makes me a mother-in-law! Crazy!

October was Alexandra's 11th birthday! She had a scavenger hunt birthday at the mall!

December was McKenzie's 9th birthday. We held her birthday in January at the Sportsplex. We went ice skating.

February was Aiden's 1st birthday! I can't believe it has already been a year!

Those are some highlights....I will post some pictures and try to be a better blogger!

McKenzie building her snowchair at Grandma's house on Thanksgiving Day. We had TONS of snow (for us) on Thanksgiving day and the next day the rain came and melted it all away!