Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Grand Prix Pictures!!

Last night was the Grand Prix at the church for AWANA. It went really well! Each year gets a little better, a little more organized, and a lot bigger! This year we had over 70 cars racing!! Last year I think we had about 45 cars.

This is Alexandra's "cell phone" car! I love how it turned out!!

"We interupt this race for a very important phone call!"

McKenzie made a TV remote. (sorry about the glare on the photo) I will take a better picture later and try to post it.

McKenzie's car was one of the lightest cars there. It weighed only 2 3/4 oz!! This year you could race up to 8oz!! Even with it so light, it was one of the fastest cars there. It didn't win Speed, but it did keep up!!

Of course, what would a Race be with out HOT DOGS?!! This is Doug, the hot dog man!! He faithfully shows up each week and cooks the hot dogs at AWANA. He had a big job tonight, cooking hot dogs for over 200 people!

After the race was over and most people went home, we let some of the kids race their car down the track for fun! GO MCKENZIE!!

YEAH ALEXANDRA!! Go phone, go!

Ryan needed "help" to take down the track and store it for next year. He had the best helpers there!

All in all, it was a fun night!

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