Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tired Tuesday!

It is Tuesday and I am tired!! This last weekend we got to "Spring Ahead" and I really miss that extra hour! In addition to losing an hour I have gained a cold! I am feeling much better now, but I still really miss that extra hour.

Last Sunday, March 6, The Ugandan Orphans Choir came to our church and performed. They were really good. This is not the best picture of them, with the glare in the back. After church was over, we had a lunch with them. They got to eat and play. My girls and Lauren were the only other children there. It was neat to see my girls interact with them. Even with the language barrier, they had lots of fun together! The Ugandan children LOVED the camera! They would pose and ask me to take their picture. Then they would come over to me to see the picture on the screen! You should have seen their face when I showed them a video of them! Priceless!!

This is the birthday boy! He enjoyed his birthday cupcake :) He was very dainty when picking off the chocolate. Not so dainty when trying to get it too his mouth! He just ate the chocolate off the top of the cupcake. I helped him eat a bite of the cupcake, but he didn't like it so much.

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