Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 9, 2011

Doesn't she just look like a math geek? Or maybe more like a monkey!

Busy week last week! It will take me a while to get back in the swing of this blogging. I will try not to let too long go by between posts. :)

Saturday (3-5) was a busy day! We dropped Alexandra off at Mt View School to ride the bus to the Math Olympiad County Championship competition. We followed along behind her and met her at the college. Stacy and I knit while the kids were doing math! (I think we had more fun!)
Jay took McKenzie to her game at 12:10 and were back in time for awards. Alexandra didn't place individually, but her team came in 10th!! She was sooo excited!

McKenzie and Emily after their soccer game!

McKenzie's favorite outfit to wear is her hot pink jersey and socks with her red shorts! She says pink and red go together. Look at Valentine's Day! :) Crazy girl.

This is the sweater that I knit for me!

Apple Yarns knitting store had a February knitting challenge. You had to sign up, buy your yarn at their store, and cast on in Feb. When you were done (before Feb 28) then you brought your sweater back in and they gave you a $20 gift certificate!! Stacy made me do it! :) I had a great time doing it. It was a little stressfull at times. Before this sweater, I had knit 3 scarfs and maybe 3 or 4 hats. I just learned!!! I am very proud of this sweater! If I do this pattern again (and I probably will) I will make it a little longer. I love, love, love the deeep purple alpaca yarn it is made of! It is soooo soft!

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