Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March comes in like a lion..

It is super windy out there! It is a pretty warm wind, compared to some of the colder days we have had.

So if the saying is true, March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb, then we are in for a couple of crazy days, but it will get nicer!!

We were at the school this morning dropping off the girls and I jsut had the four younger kids with me. I told them to stand still while I unlocked the van and opened the door for them. Next thing I knew they were about 3-4 feet away, looking back at me to see if they were in trouble for moving!! It was soooo windy and they were so little that the wind was blowing them!! It blew me around a bit also!

Mr Aiden with his football. He loves balls. All kinds of balls. Big balls. Little balls. Soccer balls. Footballs. Basketballs. He loves to kick them. Throw them. Carry them. He calls them "da"
I love this outfit that he is wearing! I bought it for him and it says Mommy's little monster on it. Even the monster is wearing camo!

These are a couple of pictures of McKenzie birthday party.

Happy 9th birthday McKenzie!! She picked a soccer cake and an iceskating party! Two of her favorite things to do.

Here are all the girls that she invited. They all had lots of fun. A couple of them were not very sure on the ice at first, but by the time the party was over, all of them were skating on their own without the "skating helpers"

Have a great day!

ps. Happy Birthday Dr Seuss!!! He would be 107 today!

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