Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Two hours late....again! You would think I would get so much done with having school two hours late. Not so....I think it works the other way. I still have my girls at home, plus all the daycare kids, and it seems the morning just goes so slow. Then before I know it, I have to take kids to school, fix lunch (McKenzie has lunch 20 min after school starts!) for the daycare kids, take kids to preschool, naptime (my favorite!), then pick up and my day is almost over!

I hope the rain comes pretty quickly to wash this snow away. I also hope it stays warm and does not freeze. The freezing rain we had last night was not fun! I was able to drive ok. I didn't slip and slide tooo much, but it was NOT fun to drive in it. I did have lots of fun shopping though! I was able to get most of my list checked off. I just have stocking stuffers and Santa to finish up. And then all of the homemade stuff. Since nobody knows about the homemade stuff, they won't know if I got it done or not. They may be getting gift certificates for their homemade item in January!

Have a great Tuesday!

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